Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just 11/10/11

11/10/11 Legs - new routine.
Back on plan with the meals for the most part. Man I am hungry. I suspect I am deficient in vitamin B complex. So I will be getting some later today to take.

Leg Ext: 55x10, 70x10, 85x10, 100x10 - will be going heavier on these next time.
Leg Press: 90x15, 180x10, 270x10, 360x6, 450x5x2 Additional weight: sled = 118lbs. I gave this a shot since I have not been running in about 7 or 8 months. My hip always hurts so that was probably was not smart. I am going to switch up from this 45 degree press to the seated straight out in front of me press and see what happens. Otherwise, I will skip this altogether and replace it with squats.
SLDL: 135x10, 155x10, 175x10, 195x8, 215x3 and then 1 extra. That was a new PR. That is actually the most weight I ever lifted for anything Now if I only I can get my deads up there like that.
Sumo DB Squat: 65x12, 75x12, 85x12x2
BB Lunge - actually did Smith Machine Split squats. Superset with Calves
90x10x3 for split squats - could go heavier on that
90x20x3 for calves
Leg adduction 135x15, 165x15, x195x15

11/9/10 Cardio: 20 minutes on stair mill - ran out of time. I woke up a bit late today - tired.
Weight at 134. Squash attack, Apple pie crust and decided to throw in the towl and have a Wegman's salad, turkey chili, and a big chocolate chip nut cookie for dinner. Ahhh, I needed that break.

11/8/11 Back and Shoulders + 20 minutes of stairmill - Worked out with Nicole
Lat Pulldown Wide: 60x15, 75x12, 90x8, 105x6, 120x5x2
Deads: 65x12, 95x10, 135x8, 155x5, 185x5, 205x2 wanted the third but my body said no again.
Bent Over Row: 65x15, 95x10, 115x10, 125x8
Close Grip Pulldown: #3x12, #5x12, #6x12
Side Lateral: 5x15, 15x6x3
Standing DB: 10x10, 15x12, 20x10, 25x7
Left shoulder has been better so I pushed the weight today.

117/11 Cardio - 7 minutes on stairmill; 23 minutes inclines walks on treadmill. Got bored of stairs, plus I was super tired.

11/6/11 Chest and arms - same as the last workout. I lost my sheet, but I know I did not switch up the weight.

11/5/11 Legs
Squat: 45x20; 65x15; 95x12; 135x8; 155x7; 175x5x2
SLDL: 135x8; 155x8; 175x6x3
Leg Ext: 55x15; 65x15x3
Walking Lunge: 25x20x3
Leg Curl - kneeling singles: 20x10x3
No adduction or calves today

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Next round of updates

11/4/11 Cardio
I know it is not tomorrow yet...but I already know what I am doing. 30 minutes on the stair mill. Light to moderate pace with a few face paces thrown in for fun.

11/3/11 Back and Shoulders
Lat Pulldown Wide: 60x15, 75x10, 90x6, 105x6, 110x5, 115x6
Deads: 65x12, 95x10, 135x6, 155x6, 175x5, 195x4; Bonus Set: 205x2
BB Rows: 65x15, 115x8x3
Close Grip Pulldown: 60x12, 75x12x2
Side Lateral: 5x12, 15x6x3
Stand DB Press: 10x10, 15x12, 20x10x2

I was at 195 for deads and I knew I could do another set, but my plan only called for 5 total sets. But really wanted to get over 200 so I did a bonus set. I have done 205 before, but it was a weakly pulled and the form was not tight - I did 3 so so reps that day. Today I powered through the workout and the 205 for 2 was done with great form and I felt much stronger when I pulled through it. I was happy for that. I was actually going to go for a third, but I as I started those first tough couple of inches in the lift, I felt something ever so slightly twinge on my right lower lat - almost near the ribs and I immediately dropped the bar. There was no pain at all, but I instantly knew something was not quite right with that rep so I let it go. There was no pain during the rest of the workout either and I feel fine now. I know I made a good call with that. There will be another day to try again.

I was also happy with my shoulder press. I got up to 20 lbs. Not bad considering the pain I have had the past month or so. Today my shoulder was not that bad so I went for the 20s and got it done.

11/2/11 Chest and Arms Check In Weight 131.8
Slight Inc. Press: 15x15, 20x10, 25x10, 35x5, 40x5, 35x5
Chest Dips Unassisted: 12x2, 13x2
BB Curl: 25x10, 35x8, 50x4, DS 30x8
Tri Bar Ext: 25x12, 40x8, 50x5, DS 30x8
Seated DB Curl: 10x10, 15x12x2
SS Lying DB Ext: 10x10, 15x12x2

I finally got those 40s up today - only for one set though. I could probably manage 45s if someone put them in my hands and spotted me. My slight incline press is not as deeply inclined as my usual incline press. I have done 45s on those. I am curious now if I could manage 50s on those. I bet I can press 55s or maybe even 60s with a spot on flat DB press.

Shoulder pain was not as bad today. I think I am starting to heal up - finally.

Today was also my first day back on Beyond Nutrition All Day Whey for pre workout and All in 1 for post workout. It is good to be back on it. That Optimum Nutrition was dishwater compared to BN. I won't let myself run out again! LOL!!!

11/1/11 Legs
Squat: 45x20, 65x15, 95x10, 135x8, 150x6, 170x5x2
SLDL: 135x8, 150x9, 160x8, 180x6, 190x6, 200x5
Leg Extensions: 50x15, 65x15x2, 65x13
Walking Lunges: 25sx20x3
Leg Curl - kneeling single leg: 20x10x3

No calves or adductions today

Hip felt pretty good today. I was happy for that.