Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December Updates

12/19/2011 Back and Shoulders
Last workout before surgery
Lat Pulldown wide: 55x10, 70x10, 85x8, 100x6, 115x5, 130x4
Bar Deads: 95x10, 115x10, 135x8, 155x6, 175x5, 185x5, 205x3
Bent Over Row: 95x10, 115x9, 125x8, 135x6
Close Grip Pulldown: 70x12, 85x10x2
Side Lateral: 10x10, 15x6x3
Standing DB Press: 15x10, 20x10x3
Left arm is not as bad today. DB press aggravates it.

12/18/2011 Chest and Arms
Inc DB Press: 15x15, 25x10, 30x10, 35x5, 40x5, went for 45s but could not get them up - no spotter around
Inc. Chest Flys: 15x15, 20x11, 25x8, 30x8, 35x6
BB Curl: 20x10, 30x8, 40x6x2
Tricep Bar Extension: 20x10, 30x10, 40x6x2
Seated DB Curl: 10x12, 12x12, 15x12
SS Lying DB Extension: 10x12, 12x12, 15x12

12/17/2011 OFF

12/16/11 Legs
Squat: 95x12, 115x10, 135x8, 155x6x3
SLDL: 135x8x2, 155x8, 155x6, 155x8
Leg Extension: 55x10, 70x10, 85x10, 100x10
SS Leg Curl: 15x10x3
Not much time today

12/15/11 OFF

12/14/11 Back and Shoulders
Lat Pulldown UH: 55x15, 70x10, 85x8, 100x6, 115x6, 135x5
T Bar Row: 25x10, 45x10, 50x10, 55x10, 60x8
Rope Pulldown: 25x12, 35x12x12
Upright Row: 25x15, 40x10, 50x10x2, 50x8
Seated DB Press: 15x10x2, 25x8x2, DS 10x10
Front Raise: 5x12, 10x10x3

12/13/11 Chest and Arms
Flat Bar Press: 45x15, 65x10, 85x10, 95x5, 100x5, 105x5
Slight Inc. DB Press: 15x15, 20x10, 30x10, 35x8
Hammer Curl: 10x10, 15x10, 20x10x2
Tricep Dips: 20, 16, 12, 13
Cable Curl: 15x12, 20x12, 25x12
SS Rope Press: 20x12, 25x12, 30x12

12/12/11 Legs
Squat: 95x12, 115x12, 135x8, 155x6, 185x4x3
Leg Extension: 70x10, 90x10, 100x10, 105x10
Leg Curl: 40x10, 50x10, 65x6, 80x6, 95x6
Split Squat: 90x10, 110x10x2
SS Calve Raises: 140x8, 160x8x2
Used Smith Machine for Split Squat and Calve Raises
Leg Curl was double leg machine

12/11/2011 OFF

12/10/11 Back and Shoulders
Lat Pulldown UH: 55x15, 70x10, 85x8, 100x6, 115x6, 130x6
T Bar Row: 25x10, 35x12, 50x10, 65x10, 75x10
Rope Pulldown: 20x12, 30x12, 42.5x7, DS 20x10
Upright Row: 20x15, 40x10, 50x8, 55x8, 60x6
Seated DB Press: 15x10x2, 25x6, 30x5x2
Front Raise: 5x12, 10x12x3
Left arm was ok until I tried 60 on the upright row. Now it is sore.

12/9/11 Chest and Arms
Flat Bar Press: 45x15, 65x10, 85x8, 95x3, 95x5x2
Slight Inc. DB Press: 15x15, 20x10, 30x10, 35x8
Hammer Curl: 10x10, 15x10, 20x10x2
Tricep Dips: 18, 13, 12x2
Cable Curl: 15x12, 20x12, 25x12
SS Rope Press: 20x12, 25x12, 30x12
Left arm is sore

12/8/11 Legs
Squat: 95x12, 115x10, 135x8, 155x5, 185x5, 195x4, 205x3, 215x3, 225x5 (spotter)
Leg Extension: 55x10, 70x10, 85x10, 100x10
Leg Curl: 15x10x2, 20x6, 25x6, 30x6
Split Squat: 90x10, 110x10, 130x10
SS Calve Raises: 140x10, 160x8, 180x10
Used Smith Machine for Split Squat and Calve Raises
Leg Curl was kneeling single leg

12/7/11 Back and Shoulders
Lat Pulldown UH: 55x15, 70x10, 85x8, 100x6, 115x6, 130x4
T Bar Row: 25x10, 45x10x2, 50x10, 55x10
Rope Pulldown: 20x12, 30x12, 42.5x7, DS 20x10
Upright Row: 20x10, 40x10, 50x10x3
Seated DB Press: 15x10x2, 20x6, 25x6x2
Front Raise: 5x12, 10x12x3
Left shoulder sore

12/6/11 Chest and Arms
Flat Bar Press: 45x20, 65x10, 85x8, 105x3, 105x2, DS 65x16
Slight Inc. DB Press: 15x10, 25x10, 35x7, 35x6
Hammer Curl: 10x15, 15x10, 20x10, 20x8
Tricep Dips: 15x2, 12x2
Cable Curl: 15x12, 20x12, 25x12
SS Rope Press: 20x12, 25x12, 30x12
Left arm is sore

12/5/11 Legs
Squat: 95x12, 115x10, 135x8, 155x5, 185x4x2, DS 135x8
Leg Extension: 55x10, 70x10, 85x10, 100x10
SS Leg Curl: 40x10, 50x10, 65x7, 80x6, 90x6
Split Squat: 90x10, 100x10x2
SS Calve Raises: 90x10, 150x10x2
Used Smith Machine for Split Squat and Calve Raises
Leg Curl was double leg

12/3/11 - 12/4/11 OFF

12/2/11 Chest and Arms
Flat Bar Press: 45x20, 65x12, 75x10, 95x5x3
Slight Inc. DB Press: 15x15, 25x10, 30x10, 35x10
Hammer Curl: 10x15, 15x10, 20x10, 20x8
Tricep Dips: 16, 12, 11x2
Cable Curl: 15x12, 20x12, 25x10
SS Rope Press: 20x12, 25x12, 30x10
Left arm is sore

12/1/11 Back and Shoulders
Lat Pulldown UH: 55x15, 70x10, 85x8, 100x6, 115x6, 130x6
T Bar Row: 25x10, 45x10, 55x10, 65x10, 75x10
Rope Pulldown: 20x12, 30x12, 42.5x12
Upright Row: 30x10, 40x10, 50x10x2, 50x8
Seated DB Press: 15x10x2, 20x6, 25x6x2
Front Raise: 5x12, 10x12x3
First day back from being really sick - not bad.

Friday, December 23, 2011

November Updates

11/27/11 - 11/30/11 OFF - sick. Totally run down.

11/26/11 Legs
Squat: 95x12, 115x10, 135x8, 155x6, 175x5, 185x4, 195x3, 200x5 (spotter)
Leg Extension: 55x10, 70x10, 85x10, 100x10
Leg Curl: 15x10x2, 20x6, 25x6x2
(Kneeling single leg curl)
Short on time today

11/25/11 - OFF

11/24/11 Back and Shoulders
Pull Ups Assisted: #12x12, #11x10x3
Seated Cable Row: #4x10, #5x10, #6x10, #7x10, DS #4x10
DB Deads: skipped these
1 Arm DB Row: 25x10, 40x12x2
Stand Push Press: 20x15, 30x10, 40x8, 50x8
Rear Delt Raise on Bench: 5x12, 8x10, 8x12x2
Pain in left shoulder @50 lbs

11/23/11 Chest and Arms
Flat DB Press: 20x15, 30x12, 40x10, 50x5x2, DS 30x12
Incline DB Press: 25x10, 30x10x3
Incline DB Curl: 10x12, 15x9, 15x8, DS 10x8
Tricep Pressdown: 25x10, 35x10, 42.5x10, DS 20x10
Barbell Curl: 25x12, 40x12x2
SS Lying Bar Extensions: 25x12, 40x12x2
Pain not as bad in left shoulder
35s not available for incline press

11/22/11 Legs
Leg Extension: 75x10, 90x10, 105x10, 120x10
Leg Press: 90x12, 180x10, 270x10, 360x6, 450x6, 540x6 (plus 118 sled weight)
SLDL: 135x10x2, 155x10, 175x10, 195x8
Sumo DB Squat: 65x12, 95x10x2
Short on time today

11/21/11 Back and Shoulders
Pull Ups Assisted: 55x12, 45x8x3
Seated Cable Row: 27.5x10, 35x10, 42.5x10, 50x8, DS 27.5x10
DB Deads: 25x10, 35x10, 45x8x2
1 Arm DB Row: 25x10, 40x12x2
Stand Push Press: 20x15, 30x10, 40x6, 50x6
Rear Delt Raise on Bench: 5x12, 7.5x12x3
Left shoulder hurts
Tired today

11/20/11 Chest and Arms
Flat DB Press: 20x15, 30x12, 40x10, 50x5x3
Incline DB Press: 25x10, 35x10x3
Incline DB Curl: 10x12, 15x8, 15x8, DS 10x10
Tricep Pressdown: 25x10, 35x10, 42.5x10, 20x10
Barbell Curl: 25x12, 40x12x2
SS Lying Bar Extensions: 25x12, 40x12x2
Pain in left shoulder

11/19/11 Legs
Leg Extension: 60x10, 85x10, 100x10, 115x10
Leg Press: 90x12, 180x10, 270x10, 360x6, 450x6, 495x5, 540x6 (plus 118 sled weight)
SLDL: 135x10x2, 155x8, 185x6, 185x4
Sumo DB Squat: 65x12, 95x9, 95x10x2
BB Lunge: 100x10, 110x10, 120x10
Calves 100x20, 110x20, 120x15
Lunges were on Smith machine and SS with calves

11/18/11 Back and Shoulders
Pull Ups Assisted: 55x12, 45x10, 45x8, 45x10
Seated Cable Row: 27.5x10, 35x10, 42.5x10, 50x8x2
DB Deads: 25x10, 35x8, 45x8x2
1 Arm DB Row: 25x10, 35x10, 45x10
Stand Push Press: 20x15, 30x10, 40x8, 50x8
Rear Delt Raise on Bench: 5x12, 7.5x12x3
Left shoulder hurts

11/17/2011 Off?

11/16/11 Chest and Arms
Flat DB Press: 25x15, 35x10, 45x6x4
Incline DB Press: 20x15, 35x9, 35x8, 35x10
Incline DB Curl: 10x15, 15x10, 15x7, DS 10x10
Tricep Pressdown: 15x12, 30x10, 42.5x8, DS 20x10
Barbell Curl: 25x12, 40x10, 40x12
SS Lying Bar Extensions: 25x12, 40x10, 45x12
Pain in left shoulder

11/15/11 Legs
Leg Extension: 55x10, 85x10, 100x10, 115x10
Leg Press: 135x10, 165x10, 195x12, 240x12, 270x8, 300x6 (plus 118 sled weight)
SLDL: 135x10x2, 155x10, 175x8, 200x6
Sumo DB Squat: 65x12, 85x12, 95x10x2
BB Lunge: 100x10x3
Calves 100x20x3
Lunges were on Smith machine and SS with calves

11/14/11 30 minutes cardio

11/13/11 Back and Shoulders
Pull Ups Assisted: 120x15, 105x8x3
Seated Cable Row: 45x15, 60x15, 75x12, 90x10x 105x10
DB Deads: 25x10, 30x10, 35x10, 40x10
1 Arm DB Row: 25x10, 30x12, 35x12
Stand Push Press: 45x8, 55x8x3
Rear Delt Raise on Bench: 5x12, 10x10, 8x12x2
Left elbow and left delt hurt

11/12/11 Chest and Arms
Flat DB Press: 25x15, 35x10, 45x6, 50x5x3
Incline DB Press: 20x15, 30x10, 35x7, 35x10
Incline DB Curl: 10x15, 15x10, 15x8, DS 10x8
Tricep Pressdown: #3x15, #4x10, #6x10, DS #4x10
Barbell Curl: 30x12, 40x10, 40x8
The BB curl was supposed to be SS with lying bar extensions. However, there were a couple of guys who failed to put on deodorant and so they stunk up the bench area. Seriously, no one could go over there. It was awful.