Friday, June 15, 2012

June 9 - June 15

June 9 - OFF Moving day.

Sunday, June 10, 2012 LAF MGV
Squat: 55x15, 105x10, 135x8, 165x8, 185x6, 195x7, 210x3
Hack Squat: 70x10, 90x10, 110x10
Sissy Squat: 20x3 body weight
BB Step Lunge: 75x12, 85x12x2
Leg Press: 180x20x2
Calves: 70x12, 80x10x2

Cardio: Bike 30 mins. I am a bit tired today as I was out with Nicole and peeps at an NPC show near NY and I only got 5 hours of sleep. And for the record – that show was very interesting to say the least.

BB Step Lunges – I got fatigued during the second set and instead of reracking and taking a break, I just shrugged the bar off my shoulders and of course it landed too high on my neck and I bruised one of my vertebral protruberances. Not good. So next time, I will take a break between legs. My neck was slightly swollen and hurt when I pressed on the spot. I finished the work out without pain.

So I am back home now and I am at a new gym. This is La Fitness Montgomeryville. I may start looking in the area, now that I am settled in, and try to find something that is cheaper, not too far away and still has everything that I need. I am also going to enlist in my dad’s help for sprints/HIIT with a stopwatch and a whistle. I outrun the treadmill hill – it only goes to 10 and that is sad. I also outrun all the stair mills. I max out and it is not even hard. So I will go to the local high school and we will do the workout there or up on the trail in the fields. I can also do trail walks for my low intensity training. I much rather be outside anyway. Now that I am out of Camden, NJ (da hood), I feel safe walking outside again – yay!

My stress levels have significantly decreased and I finally feel at peace being home again. Next up; unpack, organize, and then to the beach! Oh and yes, I have to tell Lou that we are not dating anymore. It is on the to do list. Despite all of the changes and goings on – I am on plan with no issue. And, I am actually feeling hungry between meals. No more force feedings.

With a new gym comes new equipment. This LA Fitness is more old school and uses mostly Cybex equipment. I like that. I feel like the weights and machines are more “true” if that makes sense.

Leg press – no clue what the sled weight is. It is Hammer Strength 45°.
Hack Squat is Cybex
Seated calves is Hammer Strength.
Sissy squats were done with body weight and 15 second rest breaks.

Monday, June 11, 2012 LAF MGV
Chest and Tris
Slight Incline Bar Press: 45x12, 65x10, 80x8x3
Incline DB Press: 25x10, 35x6x2
Flat DB Fly: 25x12, 30x10x2
Triceps Dips: 10, 9x3
Rope Pressdowns: #3x12, #4x12, #5x10
Lying Bar Extensions: 35x12, 40x10

Legs feel heavy today. No cardio and my neck is more sore than yesterday – but only when I press on the spot. I am not happy with that.
Tricep dips were unassisted.
Rope Pressdown is on the Cybex cable tower. I hate those number resistance instead of pounds. I suppose it does not really matter so long as you work hard and see progression.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 LAF MGV
Back and Hamstrings
Lat Pulldown Underhand: 60x10, 75x10, 90x8, 95x8, 105x6
T Bar Row: 50x10, 60x8, 70x8, 80x7
DB Deads: 45x10, 55x10, 60x10
Close Rows High: 60x12, 70x12, 80x12
Good Mornings: 95x12x3
Glute Hams: 15x3

Cardio: HIIT 8x20, sprints – these treadmills are too slow. Core and Stretch.
Lat Pulldowns – LifeFitness cable machine.
T-Bar Row – this is my favorite way to do these – the equipment has the bar directly under me and I just go right off the platform.
Good mornings – kept is on the lighter side because of neck. No pain, seems to be getting better, but still tender to the touch.
Close Grip Row High, LifeFitness small cable tower. This was set on “lighter” with a switch. I am almost at the full stack so whenever I get the full stack with no issue, then I will switch to “heavier”. I do not even know what this means really.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 LAF MGV
Shoulders and Biceps
Side Lateral Up Downs: 5x10, 8x8x3
High Incline DB Press: 20x10, 30x10x2
Floor Raises: 8x10, 10x10x2
Barbell Shrug: 70x12, 100x10, 115x10, 135x10
Incline DB Curl: 12x10, 15x8x3
Cable Curl: 25x10, 40x10, 45x10
1 Arm Preacher Curl: 12x12x2

Cardio: HIIT 8x20, Stair Mill. Stretch
2 mile walk with my dad later that day – counting this as my low intensity cardio. I will be doing a lot of these walks J I love it! But I notice I am moving much slower these days. My usual pep has diminished a bit.
12 lbs is a good weight for preachers – I feel it more in the bicep and less in the shoulder than with the 15. 10 is good for warm up, but too light for work.
LifeFitness small tower used for the cable curls – the “lighter” option LOL!
My neck is feeling better and is not as tender or sore to touch.

I believe it was last night where I went to bed at 11:30; woke up at 2:00 and stayed up until 4:00 and then went back to sleep until 9:30. I am starting to have trouble falling asleep and my sleeps are not as deep as they were…

Thursday, June 14, 2012 LAF MGV
Squat: 55x15, 105x10, 135x8, 155x8, 175x8, 200x8, 215x0 mega fail, 205x6 with spotter/core support
Hack Squat: 70x10, 90x10, 110x10
Sissy Squat: 20x3 body weight
BB Step Lunge: 75x12, 85x12, 95x12
Leg Press: 180x20x2
Calves: 45x15, 70x15x2

No cardio today – all done for the week.
Normally this would be my day off, but I have to take Sunday off and the whole rotation gets messed up for the rest of the month if I don’t just go straight through. I will work hard this and next week and then be back to normal.

So I went for 215 for squats and my upper body said no way and I fell completely forward. This is a big wake up call. Prep is kicking in and it is time to sync up my mind and body. My mind wants to do more and my body is struggling to keep up. So now the focus will be on making solid, complete sets instead of progression as you suggested on the phone.

Calves were seated and I took it easy because my right calf was sore.

I slept straight through the night last night, but it was had to fall asleep.

Today I spent about 12 hours prepping food and packing for the shore. Phew!

Friday, June 15, 2012 LAF MGV
Chest and Triceps
Slight Incline Bar Press: 45x12, 65x8, 75x8x3
Incline DB Press: 25x10, 30x2
Flat DB Fly: 20x12, 25x12x2
Triceps Dips: 8, 10x3
Rope Pressdowns: #3x12, #4x12, #5x11
Lying Bar Extensions: 35x12, 40x12

No cardio today. At the shore. In fact, I am sitting on the couch doing this blog in Word. I figured out the wireless so I have Internet and will be posting this shortly…

Check in day – darn it, I was 126.9 yesterday and today I am 127.7 However, I woke up bloated in my stomach (I am pretty sure this is from the cauliflower I ate) and I was up and ready to go even though I only had 4 hours of sleep. Despite a very active day, I had a little trouble falling asleep and the sleep was not that deep as usual.  I am a little tired today, but I am up.
Chest: 36, Waist: 27.75 – bloated, Hips 35

Today’s workout was good – focused on complete strong sets and I was happy with the work I did. I am also starting to take longer breaks between sets. I try to cap it at a minute, but sometimes I need a bit longer. Perhaps this will not be an issue as I decrease some of the weight I have ben doing.

A couple of my housemates are here and it is windy. They have the deck door open and I am FREEZING!!!! LOL – could it be that I am getting that lean already?

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 4 - June 8 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012
Off – rest day

Tuesday, June 5, 2012 LAF ASH
Squat: 55x15, 105x10, 125x8, 145x8, 175x8, 195x8, 205x6
Hack Squat: 70x10, 110x10, 140x10
Sissy Squat: 20x3 body weight
BB Step Lunge: 65x12, 75x12, 85x12
Leg Press: 180x20x2
Calves: 75x12, 90x10x2

Cardio: 30 min on bike
Sissy squats with body weight – I do these with a 15 second break in between to keep up the intensity.
Felt very super strong today after a restful day yesterday. I am very happy about the squats. I have not been near 200 since before the surgery and today I crushed it in a big way.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012 LAF ASH
Chest and Triceps
Slight Incline Bar Press: 55x12, 65x10, 75x10, 85x7, 85x8
Incline DB Press: 20x10, 30x10, 35x8
Flat DB Fly: 20x12, 25x12x2
Triceps Dips: 10x2, 9, 8
Rope Pressdowns: 40x10, 60x12x2
Lying Bar Extensions: 30x12x2

Cardio: HIIT 8x20. These were on the slower side today. My legs were super tired and sore.
Dips were unassisted.
Core and stretch
Stress level is much lower today. Lou and I talked about me moving out last night and I feel much better. I have been packing since Sunday and now I don’t have to hide it. I am moving on Saturday.

Thursday, June 7, 2012 LAF ASH
Back and Hamstrings
Lat Pulldown Underhand: 65x10, 80x8, 95x8, 110x6x2
T Bar Row: 45x12, 70x10, 90x8, 100x6
DB Deads: 45x10, 50x10, 55x10
Close Rows High: 70x12, 80x12x2
Good Mornings: 95x12, 105x12, 105x9
Glute Hams: 15x3

Cardio: 30 min on bike, core and stretch
Last set of good mornings – just done, no more left on this.
T-Bar row – the piece of equipment is poorly assembled at this gym so I have been using a bar jammed into the corner and then plates on the other end with a V-Bar handle. Haha – I wasn’t the only one to do it this way either since the big hole in the corner of the walls was already there. LAF equipment is terrible. This T Bar equipment is improperly assembled at the Collegeville PA location too.
I could go heavier on the DB Deads, but I lose the grip. I may use my hooks with this just so I can get into heavier weight and really work the hams.
I am a bit tired today.

Friday, June 8, 2012 LAF ASH
Shoulders and Biceps
Side Lateral Up Downs: 5x8, 7.5x8x3
High Incline DB Press:20x10, 25x10, 30x10
Floor Raises: 7.5x12, 10x10x2
Barbell Shrug: 60x12, 80x12, 105x10, 115x10
Incline DB Curl: 15x10, 15x6x3
Cable Curl: 40x10, 50x10, 60x10
1 Arm Preacher Curl: 10x12, 15x12

Cardio: HIIT 8x20 and stretch
I was tired today and I have actually been hungry at times before eating the past 2 days. That is new. And I am sore – that is also new.
1 Arm Preacher Curl – I need a mid weight like 12.5. I am assisting my arm at 15, but 10 is too easy. I may have to dig out my wrist weights and start micro loading to get me over these sticking points and break into the next DB or plate.
Hips are 35 and waist is 27.25
Weight is 128.7 – so long as the scale is accurate and that I do not know. I will be weighing myself again on Monday to see where I am. I am not worried about the number. I can really see the difference in my body almost everyday now. That is amazing. Every workout I notice something new. I have fans in my delts and the diamonds are showing in my quads. Now if only my glute/ham tie in would tighten up – yes I have a flat flabby ass for god sakes!!! LOL!!!! My abs are getting flatter and tighter – there is some definition that peaks out every now and again.
I went to the store to get some pants. I am a size 0 in skinny jeans. Actually, I was a size 0 in just about everything.

So I was thinking after I am done competing this year, that my goal is to maintain a new weight between 125 and 130. I like the way I look in this range. I feel good over all.

I am tired and some days I am dragging. But when it comes to the workouts, I give it my all and keep trying to hit new numbers and do my HIIT as best as I can. Some days are great, others I feel tired. I think that my energy levels have shifted for the better now that I am leaving Lou’s place and moving home. I feel better over all. I feel good. It is the right thing to do. I think that living here has been a strain on me and I was drained and I think that is why I have been so tired this past month. Now I am leaving and I am happy.

Saturday, June 9 OFF
Moving day 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

End of May and Beginning of June Updates

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 OFF
Rest day

Thursday, May 31, 2012 LAF ASH
Leg Extension: 65x10, 90x10, 105x10
Front Squat: 55x10, 75x10, 110x8, 120x8, 130x8
Sumo DB Squat: 60x10, 90x10, 110x10, 125x10
Split Squat: 120x12, 130x12, 160x12
Leg Press: 180x20x2
Calves: 180x10, 230x10, 250x10, 270x8

No cardio today officially. I did walk 45 minutes on the beach though – just a leisurely stroll.
Maxed out DB weight on sumo squats.
Smith machine split squats and calf raises
A guy at the gym saw 230 on the Smith machine and asked me if I wanted the plates off and he started to remove the 25 on the opposing side from me. I said “Off? No, I want them on.” He said “Oh really? Wow! God bless ya.” I just laughed and said thanks.

Friday, June 1, 2012 LAF ASH
Chest and Triceps
Incline DB Press: 15x15, 25x10, 35x8x3
Bench Press: 65x12, 85x8, 95x8
Push Ups: 10x3
Triceps Pressdowns: 50x12, 70x12, 80x10, 90x7
Lying DB Extensions: 10x12, 15x12x2
1 Hand Pressdown: 20x12x2

Cardio: HIIT 8x20, core and stretch
1 hand pressdown done on the Startrac cable towers instead of the Freemotion machine – someone was babysitting it.
I have been back on plan all week and my weight today was 130.9.

Saturday, June 2, 2012 EXF
Back and Hamstrings
Lat Pulldown Wide: 60x12, 80x10, 100x8x3
Deadlifts: 95x10, 135x8, 165x8, 190x1, 135x8x2
DB Bench Row: 25x10, 30x10x2
Seated Row: 30x10x2, 30x12
Leg Curl: 50x10, 60x10, 70x10, 80x10
Single Leg Curl: 20x10x3

No cardio today. But I did walk around the tailgaters in the concert lot for 3 hours today.
This was a very disappointing workout. I went for 190 on deads and I barely got it up. I reduced the weight to 185 and I could not get it off the ground. This was very frustrating – especially after such a great dead workout last time when I hit 200. I was thrilled for that. Today, I was pissed and upset. I almost cried. But I did not throw in the towel and I really want to quit right there. Instead I just kept going with the workout and trying to push harder through other weights or get more reps in. I did it. I did not quit and for that I am happy. My take away is that I did not give up.

Weight was 130.9 today, hips: 35, waist: 27.5, chest 35.5

Sunday, June 3, 2012 EXF
Shoulders and Biceps
Seated Bar Press: 25x12, 25x10 55x8, 60x8, 65x5
Seated Side Lateral: 12x10, 15x10x2
Front Raise: 5x12, 8x12x2
SS Rear Delt Raise: 10x12, 12x12x2
BB Curl: 25x10, 45x6, 50x5, 50x4
Rope Curl: 35x12, 70x10, 75x10
Concentration Curl: 15x12x2

No cardio.
Weight was 132 this morning. Not sure how that happened. I tested the scale and I got 3 different numbers. I tested it with cans of soda and compared to my food scale and it was off. I am convinced this scale is faulty so I will have to get a new one and see what the real weight is next week. L

Just as a side note – I have big changes coming up in my life. This includes a move out, break up, and I am going to the beach. More details will follow in the future, but I am planning to leave this upcoming weekend. This is not public knowledge. None of this will affect prep and my goals.