Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And now to finish out the July blog...

Monday, July 23, 2012 LAF MGV
Leg Press: 180x10x4, 230x8, 250x8, 270x8
Squat: 45x15, 95x12, 135x8, 155x6x2
Leg Extension: 55x12x3
Sissy Squat: 12x3
Abs: Crunches SS Cross Body Crunches

Cardio: 30 minute bike, posing practice 10 minutes
Leg press: sled weight +118
Squats: solid, full range, strong
Sissy squat – body weight
Leg extension – Life Fitness

So my body and head are out of whack again. My body says yes and my head has been saying no. I am not sure how I am getting through these workouts. Feeling drained today despite 9 hours of sleep yet I am moving the weights well.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 LAF WAR
Incline DB Press: 20x12, 25x10, 30x8, 35x6x3
Flat Bar Press: 55x12, 65x10, 85x8, 90x8, 95x8
Chest Dips: 12x3
Slight Incline DB Press: 25x12x3

Cardio: HIIT, stairmill, 12x20, core and stretch, posing practice 5 minutes

 I accidentally switched the slight incline and the incline chest presses. Not that drained today, despite only 4.5 hours of sleep.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 LAF MGV
Lat Pulldown Wide: 60x15, 75x10, 90x8, 105x6x3
DB Bent Row: 20x10, 30x10, 45x6, 25x12
Close Row: 75x12x3
Bent Over Row: 95x15x3
Calf Raises: 100x15, 140x15, 160x15, 180x15x3

Cardio: 30 mins on bike, posing practice
Close Row: Life Fitness Cable Row

Feeling good today, increased energy. I like these B workouts. They are not too mentally daunting when I look at the list and I can do them well and move through the workout physically. I feel worked, but not drained as much. I can still function.

Check in today
Weight: 121 – contest weight from 2010 – yay!
Chest: 35
Waist: 26.5
Hips: 34.5

This was a great check in that boosted my spirits since I hit my contest weight from last time. I was happy to see that. Things are really looking good. I am so lean. But I am still looking forward to eating more food in the future and feeling 100% healthy again.

Thursday, July 26, 2012 LAF WAR
DB Press: 15x15, 20x10, 25x8, 30x6, 15x10
Bar Shrug: 75x10, 95x10, 135x8, 95x10
Front Raise: 10x12x3
SS Rear Delt Raise: 12x12x3
Glute Hams: 12x3
Leg Curl: 50x10, 70x10, 40x10
Abs: Long Lever Leg Lifts with Hip Thrusts SS Twists

Cardio: None – twisted my right knee a little bit last night and so I am playing it safe and postponing HIIT until Saturday. Advil, ice, and Ben Gay today. It was a little sore during the workout so after I debated extensively, I decided to wait and also no posing practice.

No 20 lb. BB available for my front raise so I used 10 lb. dbs.

I also decided I was not going to the shore this weekend/next week. I am too tired and worn out to prep all of my food and I have to take my car to get fixed on Monday and we have posing class on Sunday. I drove into a wall yesterday at the bank and I knocked off my mirror. Not good.

Friday, July 27, 2012 LAF DTN (Downingtown)
BB Curl: 25x10x3, 40x6, 30x8
Alternating DB Curl: 15x8, 20x8x2
Concentration Curl: 15x12x3
Triceps Dips: 15x3
Rope Pressdown: 20x12x3
Reverse Press: 15x12, 20x12x2

Cardio: HIIT 12x20 and stretch; ran sprints – and I am way faster than the treadmills. They go to 12 and so I had to put it on an incline. I also noticed that I barely sweat during my workouts anymore and I am very fit cardiovascularly. I am not even winded at this pace. Amazing.

LifeFitness large tower for Rope Pressdown and Reverse Press.

Ran to WCU to get stuff for school set up. Bust times ahead.

Saturday, July 28, 2012 OFF
But I had a HIIT session to make up so I went to Planet Fitness and did it on the Arc Trainer. That was interesting.

Yes, I go to Planet Fitness because they are 24 hours and I can get a shower late night after work and I don’t wake up my parents. It is convenient and cheap – plus the black card membership gets me tanning and red light therapy too.

Sunday, July 29, 2012 WAR
Leg Press: 180x10x4, 270x8, 230x10
Squat: 45x15, 95x12, 155x8, 135x8
Leg Extension: 65x12x3
Sissy Squat: 12x3
Abs: Crunches SS Bicycle

Cardio: 30 minute bike, Posing class today
Drop set option today
Leg press: sled weight +118
Squats: solid, full range, strong
Sissy squats – body weight and SS with ab sets today
Leg extension – Life Fitness

Ugh!!!! Went out to the car today and there it was – a low/flat back tire. Thankfully my dad took it to get it fixed for me, but I had to then get all my food ready for the day to take with me. I was late for posing class. Darn it!

I was very grateful for a high carb day though. But boy was today a hungry day. I chomped through my meals with conviction. Haha!

And the scale was 123 today. Interesting.

Monday, July 30, 2012 LAF DTN
Slight Incline DB Press: 20x12, 25x8, 25x10, 30x6x3
Flat Bar Press: 45x12, 65x10, 95x8, 75x8
Chest Dips: 12x1, 10x2
Incline DB Press: 25x12x3

Cardio: HIIT, spin bike, 12x20 Again, not a drop of sweat and I was working hard – at least it felt like that to me lol!! But I am thinking I am very conditioned now and I just pedal fast as I can with a decent amount of resistance on the bike.

This time I got the chest presses right. And today is drop set option day.

Left elbow was a bit sore today so I had to cut back on the chest dips a little bit.

I had to be at the car dealership early today. They ordered the wrong part and so I have to go back tomorrow. Darn. I really just wanted 2 do nothing days this week. I had to run back to WCU and see about a new book, parking permit, and getting into an earlier class. Unfortunately I could not get into an earlier class and so this upcoming semester is going to be very tough with 3 long and 2 extremely long days. I will have to see how things go, but hopefully I can get in my workouts. I am thinking right now that Thursday and Fridays will have to be no gym days. I will need to work Friday & Saturday nights and right now, I would start my Friday at 4 am and end it at 4 am Saturday. I don’t think I can pull that off  - even if I could nap on the trains to and from school on Fridays. I get home at 11 pm Thursday nights. Ugh – well, I will have to see how it goes… and then go from there.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 LAF WAR
Lat Pulldown Wide: 60x12, 75x10, 90x8, 105, 75x8
DB Bent Row: 20x10x2, 45x6, 25x10
Close Row: 75x12x3
Bent Over Row: 95x15x3
Calf Raises: 100x15, 140x15, 160x15, 180x15x3

Cardio: 30 mins on bike, posing practice 15 minutes

Today was drop set option day. LifeFitness cable machine used for Pulldowns and Close Rows.

Wow was I super hungry last night. I ate a lot of Altoids. I am an Altoid addict. I am not a big fan of chewing gum. Prior to that though, my stomach was hurting really badly. I think that steak I ate was raw in the middle. I cooked on the grill and froze it, but it looked done to me at the time. So then I went to bed early and I thought that was going to be a good night sleep, but it wasn’t. I woke up 2 hours later and was up for another 4 hours. Then I slept for 5 hours until I had to get up to take my car back to the dealership. My workout was good. I still surprise myself with the amount of energy I have during the workout. Also, I practiced posing and took the advice Kate gave to me during practice on Sunday.

I also met a girl who is competing on the 25th as well. She is doing 35+ and Open. She already won Novice 5 years ago. Her name is Nicole and she is nice. She is working hard and really wants the pro card. I just want to win Novice this time LOL!!! But let’s see who shows up that day and go from there. I am going to give it my best and I hope that I do well and if not – so be it. I already won and have moved onto thinking about school. I just cracked open the microbiology book and I am so excited to be taking this class – I love what I am reading so far!!

So to that end I made a list of achievements and wins for this show:

1.     Other than 1 time last summer and just post surgery, I kept my 2010 post contest weight between 130 and 135. That is huge for me since for years I have been up and down the scale by at least 15-20 lbs. or more.
2.     I have significantly increased my strength and exceeded my lifting goals since I started working with you, Joe, and I am amazing by what my body can do when it gets going full steam ahead. I am looking forward to recovery and hitting new personal bests this fall. I am looking forward to 5/3/1 and the Juggernaut (a personal favorite to mix in!).
3.     I have had a virtuously “painless” and really, and effortless prep. We have 24 more days to go and I am sure there may be some changes in the future, but over all – than than sleepless nights – this prep was by far easier than my first one.
4.     I look incredible. The changes from my last show are significant. Depending on the time of day and what activity I am doing, I have a full pack. I have veins popping out everywhere – even on my abs. I have a more noticeable waist and I am not as thick in the middle as last time. My shoulders are bigger and more capped and my lats are bigger and wider. My legs are more defined. Even my arms and chest look good. I am very excited to present this on stage at the end of the month.
5.     I hit my last contest weight about a week ago. That is amazing. The fat just dropped right off without much struggle and that is great. I think keeping it lean and clean all year really helps. It was not a struggle and I saw changes every week in measurements, numbers, and how I look. This is definitely motivating me for the fall.
6.     I am a lot calmer this time. I still had freak out moments and again, we have 24 more days to go…but I dealt with some heavy issues and some big changes this summer and I did not miss a beat when it came to diet and workouts. I just took it in stride.

All in all, as we go into the final 3 weeks, I am very pleased. I met the GM for LAF WAR today and we were chatting about the show. He asked me if I was nervous and I said no. I said, last time I was bouncing off the wall, but this time, I feel calm. I could step on stage tomorrow and be proud of what I am presenting. I am ready. I feel like all the pieces are together. Well, except for the make up artist, with whom I have to follow up, but I am certain that will come together too. If not the one I selected, then it will be another one. I am ready and now I am just going to rest and coast into the finish line.

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