Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Three...A workout and more blathering.

It is good to keep track of this experience physically and emotionally. So many words at the end.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012 LAF MGV
Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Peak Week Day 7, 3 Days Out

Fat: 45
Carbs: 185

Incline Bench Press: 45x15x4
Flat DB Flys:  20x12x4
DB Press: 15x12x4
Cable Lateral Raises: 5x12x4
Lying Bar Extension: 20x12x4
Reverse Pressdown: 25x15, 30x15x3

Cardio: 30 minutes on the bike; posing practice – 10 minutes

Feeling a bit ambitious again and I ended up cutting some sets and reps again. But like the past few days, that is ok. I did the bike later in the day, 3 meals in. I had to go to the nail salon for the addition of the fake nails and my polish change on my toes. And not being used to the nails, I promptly poked myself in the eye. LOL! I am ok. My mom checked out and it’s all good, just sore.

I am feeling good today. I ran through my T walk – no problem there. I ran through quarter turns – no problems there. I am feeling this good today – I can only imagine how good Saturday is going to feel. I am feeling the excitement build up, little bits at a time. I am trying to keep myself in check though – save it for Saturday. I tend to get a little hyper. I am just hoping I can harness all this adrenaline and not shake on stage. But I think I can stay focused enough to nail it.

So some more random thoughts popped in my head, now that my brain is functioning again. I had a bit of guilty feelings last night. I am going back to school on Monday and a lot for the girls in my class sorta look up to me like a big sister. This is cool, but I was worried they would see me on Monday and think that how I look now is a good look – in reality. Or even girls who don’t know me and get an unhealthy complex. Some of them are very self-conscience. Like they would think, gee if she looks like that, I can too and then go and hurt themselves trying. Then earlier today, I thought about how they will see the changes over the next few weeks. They are also old enough to manage their own emotions and their decisions are not my responsibility. And last year I looked good prior to prep and dieting so really, this might actually scare them haha!!

Another interesting occurrence, when I left the gym after cardio I passed a Chinese restaurant and I thought, oooh, I could do for some of that. Then I was like, what?? You don’t even like Chinese food!! Shut up. That was weird. That got me thinking about how the whole prep, I was not hungry and I had no cravings. I was fortunate as I know a lot of people are tormented by both during their prep. My personality is very logical, organized, and efficient. So my conclusion is since I knew that if I wanted to get on stage, I had to eat a certain way and that meant excluding many things from my diet that would detract from the overall goal. Therefore, those things no longer exist to me and are of no consequence and have no influence. I can’t want what doesn’t exist. Furthermore, even when I don’t prep, I don’t eat unhealthy foods, so why would this be any different. It isn’t; therefore, no desire equals no cravings. I made sure I ate all of my favorites every day – which fit a prep diet. I always had something to look forward to with each meal. Therefore, I was always satisfied. I just did not have enough to sufficiently produce enough energy towards the end. Once I got higher numbers, things were good again. And, what is really cool – is the increase really only had to be marginal. My conclusion is that I am more conditioned and potentially have a new set point (if you believe in that theory) for my new weight range goals post recovery.

One of the things I am also looking to see is the result of all this dieting – what kind of rebound will I experience this time? I would really like to see a meal plan for next week. I would like to get on some sort of track. Last time, I felt really restricted seeing a post show plan and I was in no mood to follow one. But I would really like to try this time. School starts and I need to get my routine established quickly so I can bounce from one thing to the next. A plan is good to have. It keeps me in check. I may not follow it 100% all day everyday - but I use it as a guideline so I can make food quickly that travels well and keeps me fueled all day.

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