Monday, August 20, 2012

Who Knew I Could Get into So Much Trouble in Such a Short Amount of Time. Oh yeah, there are some workouts in these ramblings...

Sunday, August 19, 2012 OFF
Posing Class Peak Week Day 4, 6 Days Out

Pro: 140
Fat: 35
Carbs: 105
This was changed from repeating yesterday’s workout to an off day. Yay! Thank goodness. Not only do I have a serious sleeping pill hangover, I woke up to this severe burning sensation across my entire body. What caused this? The piperine in black ground pepper. How did I come to eat so much of it? Well, that is an interesting story. I opened the container of pepper at the wrong side and I thought I was going to sprinkle, but instead ended up dumping about a half cup of pepper into my egg whites Saturday night. Well, I wasn’t going to waste them and so I scooped out what I could and then cooked and ate them. They tasted awful. And, eating that much pepper in one shot is a very bad idea.

My skin was burning from the inside out. Imagine having put too much Ben Gay on when it is in that heat phase and no matter what you do, you cannot wash it off. The strange thing is that my body temperature was normal and my skin color was normal – but I felt nothing but red. My eyes, nose, throat, and other unmentionable areas were all on fire. The worst was my face though.

I was up all night Sunday night. I researched and researched and found that capsaicin is not found in the black pepper family – only in red peppers. So thankfully it was not capsaicin toxicity – which is fatal. Lucky me. “Piperine overdose is not fatal, but it is very uncomfortable” really???? You don’t say. Unfortunately the rest of that article was no longer available and offered no insight as to how long this was going to occur. I took Benadryl in hopes of reducing the inflammation. Nope. I took Maalox hoping to calm my stomach. Nope. And worst of all I am in prep on a very low carb day and I have already eaten my food. If one more person suggested to eat ice cream or drink milk one more time, I was going to punch them. Hello people – what part of can’t eat don’t you understand. Have you NOT been paying attention all summer or are you clinically retarded? Ok sorry. Finally people got the point as I patiently explained my situation.

Going to the hospital was also out as 1. I knew there was nothing that could be done and 2. they would take one look at me, fill me with fluids and nutrients and thus end my prep too soon. The hell with that I said. So I sat and suffered. All. Night. Long. I kept busy by working on my basement project. I was too pissed off and I worked until I tired myself out. At least there was some productivity. Finally I passed out and got about 6 hours of sleep.

Monday, August 20, 2012 LAF MGV
Legs Peak Week Day 5, 5 Days Out

Pro: 140
Fat: 35
Carbs: 135

Squat: 45x15, 65x15, 95x12x4
Leg Press: 90x12x4
Leg Extension: 45x10x4
DB Lunges: 25x12, 15x12x2
SLDL: 45x15, 65x15, 95x12x4
Seated Leg Curls: 40x12x4
Glute Hams: 10x3

Cardio: 40 minutes on the bike.

So today I discovered that I had no strength. So I did what I could and followed the directions as far as intensity. I planned this workout with more sets and wanted to hit more reps, but that was not happening and that is ok. My legs felt worked but not completely dead. Time to do the bike. Well, I could barely push through level 1. I had to take a tiny 2 minute rest half way through. Wow. I pushed and pushed though and I got it done. Fast? No. Done? Yes.

My energy level was actually pretty decent after my premeal. I had a few power surges during squats and pictured myself on stage and did some quarter turns between sets. But that died down quickly and especially after the bike. I was totally done as far as moving. Walking to my car was a challenge. Back to slow motion moving. I was able to go to Avalon and get all my stuff out. My dad helped. Of course we had to stop every 30 minutes for me to use a bathroom. Luckily I have all bathrooms in the tri-state area hand picked and on my GPS.

Then we had to go to Ocean City to get fudge for my mom – 8 lbs. of it. She was giving them as gifts. Thankfully I hate fudge so this was not at all tempting. The other candies looked pretty, but this is not my thing so going to the fudge shop was no big deal. Now if we had gone to a farm to get fresh produce… well that is a different story. Hence my most recent trip to Wegmans in NJ where I spent $165 on squash. Oh yes I did. One of the butternuts weighed 16 lbs. and was over 2 feet long and about 12 inches in circumference. LOL!!! Oh yeah!

All in all, today was not too bad considering I was breathing hot pepper air every time I exhaled. But the burning sensation has subsided in my body except on my feet and still some in my face. As I type this at 6 pm, the burning is gone in my face and I am starting to become sensitive to the actual temperature again – feeling cold again. I used to hate that feeling, but after the past 36 hours, I welcome it. Of course without being TMI, the heat has not yet completely left my body. Going to the bathroom has been less than pleasant to say the least.

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